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The Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) has seen an increasing number of scam job emails and texts being received by our users. 主题最多 最近的邮件是“十大彩票网赌平台招聘通知." These scam offers usually come from external email addresses. 然而,即使 email comes from a 十大彩票网赌平台 account, be on guard as the account may have been compromised. This email asks you to fill out an "application," where they collect your personal 身份信息. If you give them this information, they will send a fraudulent check and ask you to send some of your own money to specific individuals or accounts. 他们 say the check will cover the costs and to keep the rest as your salary or fee. The check they sent will be rejected by the bank and you will be out of the money 你送. Please delete these emails and do not follow their instructions.These emails provide an opportunity to again share information about job scam emails, how to spot them and how to avoid them.工作诈骗Scammers advertise bogus jobs the same way legitimate employers do — through email, 十大彩票网赌平台和报纸. 他们 promise you a job, but what they want is your money 以及您的个人信息. If you receive one of these job offers, feel free to 发送至 (电子邮件保护) and we will review it and let you know if it is legitimate.Here are some examples of job scams and tips to help you avoid them:

VIRTUAL PERSONAL ASSISTANT, NANNY AND CAREGIVER 工作诈骗Scammers promote fake job ads through emails that look to be opportunities for individuals 在大学里. If you apply, the person who hires you might send you a check. 他们 will tell you to keep part of the money for your services and then send the rest to 别人. 那是个骗局. A legitimate employer will never ask you to do that. 这张支票很可能是假的. It can take weeks for a bank to discover this, but once they do they will want you to repay the full amount. 如果你得到了这样的工作机会 includes depositing a check and then using some of the money for any reason, that 是个骗局. 走开.在家工作的骗局Scammers place ads, often online, claiming they have jobs where you can make thousands of dollars each month working from home with little time or effort. 这份工作可以 be anything from reshipping products to selling things to people you know. 有时 the scammers try to get you interested by saying that you can be your own boss, start your own business or set your own schedule.But instead of making money, you end up paying for starter kits, training or certifications 那是没用的. You might also find that your credit card is charged without your permission, or you get caught up in a fake check scam. 如果有人给你一份工作 and claims you can make a lot of money in a short period of time with little work, 这很可能是个骗局.神秘购物者骗局Getting paid to shop sounds like a dream job, especially if you are going to school 全职或找兼职. But while some mystery shopping jobs are legitimate, 很多都是骗局. Legitimate mystery shopping companies will not ask you to pay for certifications, directories of jobs or job guarantees. 如果有人要你付钱 为了得到一份工作,这很可能是一个骗局. And if they want you to deposit a check and send money back, that is definitely a sign of a fake check scam.如何避免求职骗局Before you accept a job offer, and certainly before you pay for one, take these steps to protect yourself from job scams:1. 进行网上搜索. Look up the name of the company or the person who is hiring you, plus the words "scam," “审查”或“投诉”." You might find out they have scammed other people.2. 寻找骗局的迹象. Strange requests, poor grammar/spelling and inconsistencies in email addresses or url可能是骗局的迹象. For instance, in a "unicef employment" email that was recently reported, it asks you to reply to an email address at "jobs-uncef.org”,拼写错误 联合国儿童基金会.3. 和你信任的人谈谈. 向他们描述一下这份工作. 他们是怎么想的? 这也有助于给你重要的时间 考虑一下这个提议.4. 永远不要指望“已兑现”的支票. No legitimate potential employer will ever send you a check and then tell you to send part of the money back, or buy gift cards with it. 那是假支票骗局. The check will bounce and the bank will want you to repay the amount of the fake check.

如果你付钱给骗子该怎么办No matter how you paid — debit card, credit card, bank or wire transfer, gift card 或者现金充值卡 immediately contact the company you used to send the money, report the fraud and ask to have the transaction reversed, if possible.If you have questions or need assistance, contact ITS at (电子邮件保护) or 734-973-3456.

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